Monday, July 19, 2010


ive so neglected this i appoligize people been really busy and my camera broke im on a new mission to update and revamp this page to become better and beefie er yup check back soon

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Salvadorian Tamale

hey everyone well my neighbor sent us tamales. Not just any tamales the ones Im used to, You know the ones wrapped in a corn husk slathered in Maza ((ma sa)pre praired bater) with pulled pork bathe-ed in red chilie sauce and steamed for like 2 to 3 hours with a warm goodness.

these are roughly the same except more moist and a unique flavor of plantain! yes these tamales are wrapped in a Plantain leaf and steamed. I think that's what makes uhm moist. The taste is that of a tamale on a beach front ... spicy yet sweet .... I'm not sure of the exact origin of this Tamale my neighbor is Salvadorian but Ive been told its usually found south of Mexico. a bit of research is needed ....

Live Life, and Enjoy Food!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Beer and a Snack!

Theres nothing better then a relaxing beer and a botana (boe-tah na) spanish for snack! Two months ago i went to guanajuato (wana-juaaa-toe) Mexico, and I was introduced to a Michelada (me che la duh) a beer that consist of a mix of assorted condiments. With a icy cold beer, Worcestershire sauce, a seasoning liquid, fresh lime juice, salt and hot sauce. now your probably sitting there think OMG this sounds like a pep-to bismo case. Truthfully its not the mix adds a spicy flavor to the beer with the outcome of delicious in the picture above its a dos xx clear lager of course its your choice in preference!

Now when I think of beer I think snack! Like at a bar they offer you peanuts or chips, well I took another step a mix of churritos (chew rea toes) fried chips usually made fresh. Sum of you may recognize from the ones the Latino ice cream man sells of his bicycle for a dollar. the picture shows these chips covered in Hot sauce, Pico de gallo in the center and drizzled with sour cream. making these a good condiment to an icy cold beer on a hot summer day!
1 Ice cold beer

1 Lime

2 Tsp of hot sauce valentina, tapatio, red toro, san luis its your preference as to what u use
1 Tsp of maggi brand sazon (you can find this in the latino section of the store)
1 Tsp of Worcestershire sauce. don't over do this your going to have a bad time if u do!
dash of Salt and Ice
In a cup ad your ice, hot sauce, full lime, seasoning sauce and Worcestershire sauce, pour your beer in slowly stir with a spoon and enjoy ! (adjust hot sauce if u want it to be more hardcore, or lime for taste )
Botana- Snack

Churritos or chips
Hot sauce Mexican sour cream not the daisy brand u want it more liquid
pico de gallo or your choice of salsa
In a bowl top of with chips pour over hot sauce in the center dab with a spoon full of salsa and drizzle sour cream over and enjoy!
Live Life, and Enjoy Food!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pineapple Rum sunrise

With food comes drinks let it be a nice wine to mixxed drink or even a simple splash of coke. Even tho this blog is dedicated to food, drinks will also be included. As a previous bartender drink mixolgy is a must have for pairing with food!

Here we have a simple mixed drink Pineapple Rum sunrise. traditional the tequila sunrise was the original drink of sunrises. The era of single juice drinks have changed and new creative drinks are forming. In this mix the ingredients are as follows.

Pineapple rum cocktail
2 cups pineapple juice
1 shot glass of Dark rum (Bacardi)
1 half shot glass of Malibu rum
1 table spoon roses grenadine
3 cups of Ice

you need two cups to mix one smaller then the other to fit upside down into( to shake). in your mixing glass fill with ice pour 1 1/2 cup of juice in, bacardi rum, malibu rum. cover with other glass and shake well . fill a tall collins glass with ice and pour your mix in discard the used ice you should have a frothy top. pour 1 table spoon of roses on the side rim of the glass to make the sunrise effect. add a straw and enjoy

Best paired with: pineapple has a bit of tartness to it yet sweet ! this drink would be best served with a pineapple upside cake or a carrot cake

Live life, and Enjoy food!

little Debbie strawberry shortcake roll

So sum time ago I was eating a little Debbie strawberry shortcake roll. You know the ones you get at the store in individual packages usually sold for 50 cents. Well it occurred to me the texas state fair makes fried Twinkies. I'm not going to lie most vendors don't know how to make a fried Twinkies usually comes out more greasy then good. and well lets just say i took it into consideration. so i goggled what kind of batter is used and what steps i must take, i didn't have the right ingredients to recreate that so i took the plain and simple approach..... Pancake batter i figured hey if pancakes taste good why not fry it !

so i beated the batter heated the oil cut the little Debbie strawberry shortcake roll into half inch pieces got about 5 pieces per roll. dipped and dropped in hot oil it only took less then a min so if your going to do this u have to be quick or you'll burn the batter. let set for a few mins to cool or your going to burn your self! sprinkle with a bit of powdered sugar u can use a sifter for this. Now i set mine up for presentation so i dabbed with with a dollop of strawberry jam in the center

In conclusion its a heart attack waiting to happen and a couple of extra calories but its well worth Delicious desert the cream on the inside keeps its form so it doesn't melt away! Live life, and Enjoy food!

The start of a new Friendship!

Well since this is my first post I'm sure your probably wondering what this is about ? who am I? my intentions as to why i have a blog?

Lets start first as some of you may already know, my name is Luciano I'm from good ole Dallas Texas, 23 years of age a normal Joe with a labor job nothing special. no degrees or college education all I achieved was my high school diploma and thank god I'm here!

The intentions for this blog is pretty much FOOD! yes i said it Food. Call it how you want food porn, diary of food, food information, etc ..... its all the same to me. I've visited plenty of places with bizarre food to home style cooking that should be showed of and recommend for the delicacy to food that's not appetizing i will also include foods I've made at home. please be aware any foods found out side of my house will be credited and have address and location so that you the reader may also go out and try it. Live life, and Enjoy food!