Thursday, April 29, 2010

The start of a new Friendship!

Well since this is my first post I'm sure your probably wondering what this is about ? who am I? my intentions as to why i have a blog?

Lets start first as some of you may already know, my name is Luciano I'm from good ole Dallas Texas, 23 years of age a normal Joe with a labor job nothing special. no degrees or college education all I achieved was my high school diploma and thank god I'm here!

The intentions for this blog is pretty much FOOD! yes i said it Food. Call it how you want food porn, diary of food, food information, etc ..... its all the same to me. I've visited plenty of places with bizarre food to home style cooking that should be showed of and recommend for the delicacy to food that's not appetizing i will also include foods I've made at home. please be aware any foods found out side of my house will be credited and have address and location so that you the reader may also go out and try it. Live life, and Enjoy food!

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